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Label Inspection In Battery


Battery Label Inspection System:

This System is used for the inspection of the various Labels in the finished battery before the packing process. This system inspects various parameters like Label Presence & Absence, Label Reverse, Reading & Verifying the 1-D & 2-D Codes, OCR, and Presence & Absence of Tear Cap on the +ve and –ve posts of the finished battery. The main Advantage of the Battery label inspection System is that the same Setup is used for inspecting both the Larger and Smaller Battery without making many changes in the hardware and mechanical fixture. Thus the change over time while changing the line from one variant to another is reduced drastically.

Technical Specification:

  • Advantech MIC Series Controller.
  • Basler 21 Mega Pixel Camera (Rolling Shutter).
  • High-Resolution Lens.
  • High-Intensity Bar Lights.
  • AB Micrologix 1400 PLC.
  • Delta VFD.
  • Bonfiglioli Motor.
  • SMC Pneumatic Actuators.
  • SMC Solenoid Valves.


Battery Label Inspection System has three Phase

  • Positioning Phase.
  • Inspecting Phase.
  • Rejection Phase.

Positioning Phase: The Position of the battery needs to be maintained constant throughout the Process. Because the orientation of the batteries that are moving on the conveyor will not be the same always, which will be difficult for the camera to sense properly. Thus to overcome this issue a Pneumatic Actuator is used to position the battery in proper position before entering the inspection station. And another pneumatic actuator will act as a buffer and will help in maintaining sufficient space between the batteries.

Inspecting Phase: Three 21 MegaPixel Cameras are used for inspecting the Battery in the top, left, and Right Sides. Four High-Intensity bar lights with dedicated drivers are used for providing sufficient lighting for the camera. High-Resolution lenses are used with the camera to obtain better images Clarity since the field of view is high around 520mm. the cameras are connected to a controller via USB 3.0 for providing high-speed data transfer between the camera and the controller. A dedicated software (ET- Xpro) is installed in the controller and is used for inspecting various parameters on the battery.

ET-Xpro: It is a user-friendly Vision System software that has been designed indigenously in a way that even non-technical persons can also operate the system at ease. The various tool has been designed to inspect various parameters like Label Presence & Absence, Label Reverse, Reading & Verifying the 1-D & 2-D Codes, OCR, and Presence & Absence of Tear Cap on the +ve and –ve posts of the finished battery. Multiple recipes can be created and saved in the internal memory. The Not-Good Imagers are saved for future reference.

Rejection Phase: After inspecting the battery the controller will provide an OK Signal to the PLC if the battery is a Good Battery. And the good battery will be moved to the next station for the packing process. If the battery is detected as NOT GOOD the controller will provide a rejection signal to the PLC and the defective Battery will be Rejection using a rejection cylinder and it will be moved to the rejection bin.